Driving Results: Tips for Engaging Social Media Content for Car Dealers

Shyam Krishnan
September 13, 2022

Car dealerships can use social media to build a reputation, earn customer trust, and connect to potential buyers. However, posting pictures of the latest inventory for sale is not enough. It’s important to create quality content that engages readers and speaks to their needs.

Build different customer personas

This is the first step to any car dealership marketing strategy, especially for car dealers. Customer personas represent different target markets: the first-time driver who is shopping for the first car and is probably interested in good value for money, parents looking for a safe and sturdy family car, the car aficionado that will ask about engine power and other technical specs.

Identify those personas, and think about their needs, motivations, and the kind of questions that they will probably ask. Use that as a starting point for planning content. Here are some good social media topics to jumpstart the brainstorming process.

First-car buyers

  • Checklist of questions to ask when buying a second-hand car
  • Best budget cars for new drivers
  • Tips for applying for a car loan
  • Manual vs. Automatic: what’s best for you


  • Car safety features that every parent should know
  • Most popular family car models
  • Tips for Road Trips with kids

These topics can be made into infographics, short video clips, or tip posts. Car dealerships can also boost social posts and select a target audience in the ad settings.

Make high quality inventory posts

Inventory posts showcase specific car models, and target people who are searching for a specific make, model or year. To make these posts very engaging, don’t just publish a quick photo and a list of its specs.

  • Take high quality photos of the vehicle from different angles, including the interiors
  • Make a short walk-through video that shows the car interior, exterior, and demonstration of some of its features
  • In the caption, place important information such as year, upgrades, and most powerful features. Add links to the car listing page on the website, or the official website of the manufacturer.
  • Research on what makes that model very popular. Did it win any car awards? What do other customers say about it (example: excellent fuel efficiency, roomy backseat, large storage, etc.)

Car dealerships can also have “Featured Car of the Week” or “Brand of the Week” posts that focus primarily on sharing detailed information about a particular vehicle.

Introduce employees

Some customers are intimated by the buying process and feel overwhelmed when they step into the showroom.

Posting about employees - their name, photo, and some friendly details about them—can help build rapport and trust and give potential buyers a familiar face to look for.

Car dealerships can even create short videos about the employees where they introduce themselves and give a “tour” of the showroom or the available cars. This can help capture their personality and highlight the company’s friendly customer service.

Do car comparisons

Customers who buy cars will always compare several models. Make social media posts that help them through that process. Select a topic (such as best cars for XXX price range, or best cars for city driving) and then compile your choices. Be sure to include:

  • Car model and make
  • Pros and cons of each model
  • Company link or contact number they can call for more information

Car lingo, explained

Not everyone who looks for a car can understand the technical specs listed in the brochures. Make social media posts that explain terminology. This is especially important for premium vehicles that have superior features that customers need to understand in order to appreciate.

Deals, promos and events

Post about the month’s or week’s promos, such as a sale on used vehicles or a discount on oil changes. Use a design tool like Canva to make these announcements visually appealing. Remember, the quality of the posts also affect the customer’s perception of the reputation of the company.

Also share news like upcoming car events in the area, especially if the vehicle dealership is a sponsor or partner. Ideally, plan events throughout the year to create buzz or interest—even if the event is in-house. For example:

  • Year-end clearance
  • Introduction of new models
  • Graduation sale (feature car models for teens)

Post and share “My New Car” photos

Most customers will proudly post pictures of their new car on their social media. Ask them to tag the car dealership’s official social media pages, and then share.

If possible, take pictures of the customers with their new car during the sale. Ask for permission to share the post on social media. To encourage them to take pics, create an area in the showroom that’s “photo-friendly” or “Insta-perfect” and has some branding elements.

Get customer testimonials

Customer testimonials and positive reviews are the most powerful way of building trust and reputation. As long as they’re happy with the service, most people are willing to give testimonials if it is easy, convenient and personally rewarding. For example:

  • Create forms that are easy to fill up
  • Set up a laptop where they can submit a testimonial to the website or social media
  • Provide incentives for sharing a testimonial before they leave the showroom: free car accessories, coupons or vouchers for car services

Another way to secure customer testimonials is to send them a thank you email, which includes a link to a form that they can fill, or to the social media page.

Car trivia

Not all social media content needs to be a hard-sell. It’s also important to post interesting facts about cars, such as photos of classic or vintage cars, or famous or iconic cars featured in movies and TV shows.

These type of social media posts can also be turned into interactive content. For example, ask “What kind of car did Austin Powers drive?” then post a pic and ask viewers to name the model and make. Reveal the answer in the next post.

Engaging social media drives results

Social media is a powerful and cost-effective way for car dealerships to reach potential customers. However, effective social media needs quality content that engages, informs, entertains, and earns trust.

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