What is Social Media Marketing for Car Dealerships?

Alex Suprun
January 13, 2023

If you want to increase the number of leads for your business, it is essential to reach your potential customers. The best way to get your customers in today's virtual world? It's social media! Social media is where 79 percent of the USA is most likely to see your advertisements and engage with what you are offering.

If you are not on social media or your existing strategy is not giving you results, it is high time you amp up your game! Create a strategy that will help you reach the right audience and get more leads and revenue. If you are not sure how to do that, read on to learn more about creating an effective strategy and make it big on social media.

Is Social Media Important to Car Buyers

To answer this question, let's first look at a few facts. While choosing a dealership for their car purchase, customers often first look at their social media handles rather than dealership websites. This makes it clear that social media is significant for dealerships.

If you target your customer where they spend the most time, you will create a strong following that will give you better walk-ins to your dealership. Along with that, social media can help by offering a host of benefits which include:

  • Better conversion rates
  • Better brand recognition
  • Better customer satisfaction
  • Better brand loyalty.

Now that you know how important this is for your dealership, here are a few ways to increase revenue by leveraging social media.

Consistency and Commitment in Social Media Post and Strategy

Social media marketing can give you a lot of benefits in terms of leads, sales, and brand visibility. However, the key to social media success is posting consistently and staying committed to your strategy. It would help if you determined the frequency at which you will post to strike a balance between the quantity and quality of your social media posts. This is why you should establish a marketing schedule. Also, ensure you answer the comments your followers make on these posts. If you don't, users interacting with you will contact your competitor, who will give them a better response. If you pay attention to details like these, there will be no looking back as far as your social media success is concerned.

Automotive Social Media Marketing- Strategies That Always Work

Social media campaigns for car dealerships can be categorized under paid and organic. While an organic campaign will involve simply posting engaging content to your social media, paid will include advertising on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Now that we have seen why your car dealership should be on social media, let's look at some strategies that might help in this regard that will bring you more potential customers and revenue.

Targeting Customers on Facebook

Facebook is flooded with potential car buyers, and 84% use this platform to research their future cars. To leverage this, you can create automotive ads that specifically reach people in your area. You can also streamline this targeting by consumer interests, gender and many other factors.

Best Social Media Strategy: Market on YouTube

Did you know? Around 85% of  automotive consumers watch videos before they make a purchase. This indicates that videos are on the top priority list for car buyers regarding a car buying decision. You can attract these buyers by posting videos on YouTube that provide all the possible information about your brand. You can also add generic video content that will give value to your customers. YouTube also offers marketing options that will help you run ads for your car dealership.

Storytelling on Social Media

Just posting anything random on your  social media channels is not enough. Instead, you need to create a user experience that connects with the audience. This way, the audience will be able to relate to your brand. What’s more, adding a human touch that is filled with experiences and storytelling will keep your audience hooked to your social media platform.

Posting High-quality Auto Pictures

After social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram have gained popularity, it is clear that the audience connects to high-quality pictures that can pique their interest. 60% of car buyers are between 24 and 50 and want to interact with whatever gives them visual appeal. High-qualityautomotive images keep your followers engaged and convert them into buyers, which is why you must work on getting them up on your platforms.

Social Reviews Matter for Your Dealership

Social reviews matter the most when you want to establish credibility for your car dealership. Car buyers are attracted to your website and will visit your car dealership only if they read positive reviews about you. Automotive consumers who have had a bad experience will also leave you reviews. To do some damage control, you must reply to them immediately and solve their concerns, as you want them to stay within the good reviews you have.

Connect With Influencers

You may or may not agree, but customers follow what their favorite influencers say. You can use this to advertise your car dealership. For example, collaborating with these automotive influencers and developing a plan to promote your business can give you that much-needed following on social media. Ask these influencers to build campaigns  and media post ideas around your brand values and image.

Wrapping Up

If you want more leads on your dealership’s social media, increase brand awareness, and get more revenue, you should improve or renew your social media strategies. If you need a hand in developing an effective strategy, we can help you make the most out of your social media plan. Email or call us today!

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